On 11th March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami struck north-eastern Japan, killing tens of thousands of people.
We honour the dead and give our compassion and support to the living.
Lifeforces would also like to deeply thank the people of Shanghai,
especially The Little Green Door, for their financial contributions, which we are matching and will donate to disaster relief.

hari@lifeforces.org tel/fax 03-3472-1714 or petya@tokyo.com tel/fax 03-3357-2067
To subscribe or unsusbscribe to this newsletter please email hari@lifeforces.org

Upcoming Free Energy Share Meetings
Sunday April 10th and 24th 18:00-21:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Free
Everyone is welcome to come and relax with the warm vibrations of healing energy at the Reiki/Energy Share! It is a great opportunity for you to receive a free mini-healing session (regardless of whether you already are a practitioner of energy healing or a ‘novice/beginner’)!
And for those of you who have already been attuned to Reiki - or any other healing energy - it is a great opportunity to share with others, and to deepen your ability to work with and learn more about channeled energy/healing and how it can enhance your life and the lives of people around you.
Contact petya@tokyo.com for more information
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Free
Everyone is welcome to come and relax with the warm vibrations of healing energy at the Reiki/Energy Share! It is a great opportunity for you to receive a free mini-healing session (regardless of whether you already are a practitioner of energy healing or a ‘novice/beginner’)!
And for those of you who have already been attuned to Reiki - or any other healing energy - it is a great opportunity to share with others, and to deepen your ability to work with and learn more about channeled energy/healing and how it can enhance your life and the lives of people around you.
Contact petya@tokyo.com for more information
Workshop schedule:
All of these classes can be taken by distance!
All of these classes can be taken by distance!
Drisana level 4
Click here for course description
If taken by distance, CD provided
Saturday 2nd April 13:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 38,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Click here for course description
If taken by distance, CD provided
Saturday 2nd April 13:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 38,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Angelic Opening & Shielding of
the Throat Chakra level 2
Click here for course description
By distance only Fee 7,000 yen
Monday 11th April 19:00 - 21:00
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Nectar of the Sphinxthe Throat Chakra level 2
Click here for course description
By distance only Fee 7,000 yen
Monday 11th April 19:00 - 21:00
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Click here for course description
If taken by distance, CD provided
Wednesday 13th April 19:30 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 7,000 yen
Contact petya@tokyo.com for more information
Infinite Light of Huna level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Sunday 17th April 14:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 10,000 / 12,000 yen
Contact petya@tokyo.com for more information
Moving Toward Freedom
Click here for course description
Wednesday 20th April 19:30 - 22:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi Fee 10,000 yen
Contact petya@tokyo.com for more information
Meridian Flush level 1
Click here for course description
If taken by distance, CD provided
Wednesday 27th April 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 7,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
March 11 Earthquake
The Japanese earthquake of 11th March has brought out many great characteristics of humans; compassion, care, understanding and support. It has also brought out many other characteristics, such as sensationalism, and wanting to be part of the drama.
Thousands of people have lost their lives, tens of thousands have lost loved ones, and hundreds of thousands have lost their homes and possessions. These are the people who need our support, and the world has responded.
Thousands of people have lost their lives, tens of thousands have lost loved ones, and hundreds of thousands have lost their homes and possessions. These are the people who need our support, and the world has responded.
For others, the greatest drama was that they had to walk home or stay the night with friends. There were even people looking for connection to the tragedy by saying that they had recently been in Japan.
Media driven sensationalism has made the tragedy into entertainment, with so-called news programs containing music to evoke emotions, and hard facts hard to come by.
Some people say that the earth is 'sending us a message' and 'fighting back' against nuclear power, and that this has happened at this time and place 'to teach people a lesson'. This is projection by those who have an agenda, and dishonours the dead, those who are suffering and those who are risking their lives to ameliorate the situation.
Many others, however, have realised once again that what is important is love, family and friendship, and that the greatest possessions are in our hearts.
Quote of the Month:
“Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul. ”

If you wish to donate to earthquake relief for Japan, these are some organizations we suggest.
Institute of Cultural Affairs Japan:
Second Harvest Japan:
Peace Winds Japan:
Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA)
Doctors without Borders (Medecins sans Frontieres)
http://www.lifeforces.org/newsletter/2011/Apr2011.shtml http://www.icajapan.org/icajapane/indexe.html
Second Harvest Japan:
Peace Winds Japan:
Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA)
Doctors without Borders (Medecins sans Frontieres)