
Ready to Soar Ready to Soar: is all about reaching our potential, always improving, growing and learning. I have always been fascinated with birds, their ability to travel where they want and soar at will. We too can soar if we want to. We all have so much potential and together we can all improve ourselves and the world in the process. It is not easy, but it is worth doing. We hope our site helps you in your journey of soaring through life.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Synchronicity and all that Stuff

Synchronicity and all that Stuff

by Kevin R Burns
(Kanagawa, Japan)
" I'm convinced God put me here to accomplish a certain number of things;
right now, I'm so far behind I'll never die."

--Petya Lowe, Circle of Light

Synchronicity and all that Stuff

"Everything in this universe is part of an uninterrupted sequence of events."

--Mamoru Mohri, Japanese astronaut

Tokyo, Japan
Japanese astronaut Mamoru Mohri, feels that in the borderless era we live in now, the acceptance of cultural diversity and globalization is very important. "Once people take a broader , more long-term view of the things going on around them, it can give them a totally new perspective on life," said Mohri according to a press report.    Read More

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About Me

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I am a teacher and writer. I own Kevin`s English Schools in Kanagawa, Japan. I teach at Tokai University. I have taught at: Keio SFC, St. Mary`s College (Nagoya), ECC, The YMCA, Columbia College, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. My Japanese wife is a junior high school English teacher.