
Ready to Soar Ready to Soar: is all about reaching our potential, always improving, growing and learning. I have always been fascinated with birds, their ability to travel where they want and soar at will. We too can soar if we want to. We all have so much potential and together we can all improve ourselves and the world in the process. It is not easy, but it is worth doing. We hope our site helps you in your journey of soaring through life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Humans may have loaded the bases, but nature bats last

Humans may have loaded the bases, but nature bats last

crowd_sciencemattersHumanity is facing a challenge unlike any we've ever had to confront. We are in an unprecedented period of change. Exponential growth is causing an already huge human population to double in shorter and shorter time periods.

When I was born in 1936, just over two billion people lived on the planet. It's astounding that the population has increased more then threefold within my lifetime. That staggering growth has been accompanied by even steeper increases in technological innovation, consumption, and a global economy that exploits the entire planet as a source of raw materials and a dumping ground for toxic emissions and waste.

We have become a new kind of biological force that is altering the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the planet on a geological scale. Indeed, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen has suggested that the current geologic period should be called the Anthropocene Epoch to reflect our new status as a global force - and a lot of scientists agree.  Read More

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About Me

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I am a teacher and writer. I own Kevin`s English Schools in Kanagawa, Japan. I teach at Tokai University. I have taught at: Keio SFC, St. Mary`s College (Nagoya), ECC, The YMCA, Columbia College, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. My Japanese wife is a junior high school English teacher.