
Ready to Soar Ready to Soar: is all about reaching our potential, always improving, growing and learning. I have always been fascinated with birds, their ability to travel where they want and soar at will. We too can soar if we want to. We all have so much potential and together we can all improve ourselves and the world in the process. It is not easy, but it is worth doing. We hope our site helps you in your journey of soaring through life.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Pictured: Saijoji Temple, located near our "Anne" School in Minami Ashigara City,

"To bring fun, friendship, and the joy of service back into teaching English."

Kevin Burns says:

To have fun while learning English. The experience of learning at KES should be fun for all. I subscribe tothe Patch Adams style of life and work, with David Letterman and Jay Leno thrown in for spice. Teaching andlearning English at our schools, should be a fun adventure.

Let`s laugh and learn.

To give teachers the freedom to grow and become the teachers they were meant to be. As opposed todictating what and how they shall teach.

To create an "at home" atmosphere, and with that a warm and cozy place to work and study.

To help Japan become a little more international in scope and thinking. To broaden our students minds.

To be good members of the community.

Pictured, Shibusawa School, our school in Hadano City, Kanagawa

Jonathan DeNardis says:

My objectives for this year are:

1. To condition myself both physically and mentally so that I become an inspirational teacher and motivator.

2. To foster an attitude of mutual respect between the students and myself.

3. To give the students a simple yet strong structural foundation in English. A strong foundation shall consist of:

A. The ability to speak, read, and write the alphabet.

B. The ability to pronounce, read, write, and spell a large vocabulary of words.

C. The ability to understand basic sentence structures.

D. The ability to read and understand books, short stories, proverbs, and maybe a poem or two.

4. To give the students a clearly defined set of goals and objectives:

A. Therein that they know what is expected of them both as a group and as individuals.

B. Therein that they be awarded as group and as individuals upon completion.

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About Me

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I am a teacher and writer. I own Kevin`s English Schools in Kanagawa, Japan. I teach at Tokai University. I have taught at: Keio SFC, St. Mary`s College (Nagoya), ECC, The YMCA, Columbia College, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. My Japanese wife is a junior high school English teacher.